• 黑兽‧改/Kuroinu Redux
  • 勾八麻将/J8 Mahjong
  • 堕落千金—黑蔷薇与欲望之火/Fallen girl – Black rose and the fire of desire(赞助会员独享)
  • 黑兽2‧改/Kuroinu 2 Redux
  • 职场幻想/Workplace Fantasy
  • 奈斯启示录/Necesse
  • 安迪和莉莉的棺材/The Coffin of Andy and Leyley
  • 禁忌试炼/Taboo Trial
  • 灵异视界 FILE23 本所七大不可思议/PARANORMASIGHT: The Seven Mysteries of Honjo
  • 与你在一起BnB/TOGETHER BnB
  • 夢YUME3/YUME 3
  • 超武进化:丧尸毁灭者/Zombie Defense: ARMS EVOLUTION
  • 我的幻想乡/The Leviathans Fantasy
  • 神之亵渎2/渎神2/Blasphemous 2
  • 末世少女/Zombie Girl
  • 禁忌试炼/Taboo Trial
  • 探灵直播2/Livestream 2: Escape from Togaezuka Happy Place
  • 带我去地下城吧!!/Take Me To The Dungeon
  • 妖谈:百鬼夜行/Yokai Art: Night Parade of One Hundred Demons
  • 抵抗魅魔-被魔纹侵蚀的女骑士的末路/Resist the succubus—The end of the female Knight(赞助会员专享)
  • 死亡之夜/Night of the Dead
  • 精灵猎手:无限部落/猎魂者:无限部落/Spirit Hunters: Infinite Horde
  • 转生魅魔迷宫历险记/Isekai Succubus ~My Genderbent Saga in Another World~
  • Cosmoteer: 星际飞船设计师兼舰长/Cosmoteer: Starship Architect & Commander
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