OLED版 iPad Pro再遭延期 供应商三星的良品率低于预期

苹果公司在去年未对iPad产品线进行任何升级,今年看来也将继续按部就班推进。由于OLED显示屏生产涉及复杂的工艺流程,OLED版iPad Pro又一次遭遇延期。该设备原本推测会于去年11月与M3款MacBook Pro一同亮相,但苹果选择将其延至今年,可能缘于某些技术难题。近期,知名分析师马克·古尔曼指出,由于生产环节出现问题,原定3月至4月的发布窗口已被取消。

OLED版 iPad Pro再遭延期  供应商三星的良品率低于预期

据韩国最新消息,新款iPad Pro推迟发布的原因在于备受瞩目的OLED显示屏。这款iPad Pro的最大卖点似乎也正是导致其上市延期的症结所在。苹果对于达到自身标准和品质要求极为严苛,一旦有任何不符合预期之处,都可能导致供应链出现动荡。


三星生产的11英寸面板良率低于预期,未能达到苹果为较小尺寸OLED iPad Pro所下的订单量。因此,苹果决定将部分11英寸OLED面板订单从三星转交给LG Display,据悉LG将于下月生产数十万片。LG预计总共将为11英寸和13英寸iPad Pro提供近60%的OLED面板供应。


苹果计划在5月初发布OLED版iPad Pro,较早前传言的时间点晚了一个月。此外,5月的发布距离苹果举办WWDC 2024大会还有一个月的时间,在该大会上,苹果将发布iOS 18、iPadOS 18、watchOS 11、macOS 15以及其各产品线的其他更新。

Apple did not announce any iPad upgrades last year, and it seems the company will take its time this year as well. The OLED iPad Pro has been delayed once again due to complex production techniques involved in manufacturing the display. The device was originally speculated to launch in November of last year alongside the M3 MacBook Pro models, but Apple decided to wait until this year, potentially due to some technical challenges. Now, prominent analyst Mark Gurman claims that the March to April launch time frame has been ruled out due to issues in the production department.
According to the latest news originating from Korea, the delayed launch of the revamped iPad Pro is the highly-anticipated OLED display. It appears that the most compelling aspect of the iPad Pro is the reason for its delayed launch. Apple is very strict when it comes to meeting its standards and quality, and anything less than its expectations causes disruptions in the supply.
Apple partnered with Samsung and LG to produce the new 11-inch and 13-inch OLED panels, respectively, but it appears that the prior is struggling to keep up with Apple's requirements. The new panel technology and the unstable production method involved are causing a stir, which is leading to lower yields than anticipated. The Korean news publication website Han****i shared the details of the suppliers reporting poor OLED yields, with LG benefiting from the chaos.
Samsung has faced a lower-than-expected yield of the 11-inch panel, which is less than the quantity Apple has ordered for the smaller OLED iPad Pro. This led Apple to transfer some of the 11-inch OLED orders from Samsung to LG Display, and it is reported that the supplier will produce hundreds of thousands of units by next month. LG is now speculated to supply almost 60 percent of the total OLED panels for the 11-inch and 13-inch iPad Pro models combined.
LG has also passed Apple's quality standards and requirements, which allowed it to take a portion of Samsung's business. However, it remains to be seen how Samsung Display will respond to the change and if it is taking any measures to improve the production capacity and yield. The supplier appears to be struggling with complex production techniques, which is why the yields for the OLED panels have suffered.
The reason for the delayed launch of the redesigned iPad Pro is the highly anticipated OLED panel, which will have an unrivaled display quality, according to previous reports. Apple will launch the OLED iPad Pro models in early May, which is a month later than the rumored time frame. Additionally, the May launch is also a month away from the company's WWDC 2024 event, where it will see fit to announce iOS 18, iPadOS 18, watchOS 11, macOS 15, and additional updates for its products.









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