


上周,由Guerrilla Games开发的动作角色扮演游戏《地平线:西之绝境》的完整版正式登陆PC平台。SteamDB数据显示,相较于前作《地平线:零之曙光》,《西之绝境》在Steam上的首发活跃玩家数量稍逊一筹。

上周,索尼互动娱乐为PC玩家带来了PlayStation Studios旗下的一款力作——《地平线:西之绝境》完整版游戏。这次,主角Aloy的第二次宏大冒险旅程不仅包括了主线剧情,还包含了DLC。


那么,其他PlayStation Studios的作品在Steam平台上的首发表现又是怎样的呢?其中,《绝地潜兵2》在2月份同步登陆PC和PS5平台时,创下了PlayStation Studios作品在Steam上的最强劲首发记录,拥有高达458,709人的玩家峰值。


负责多款PlayStation Studios游戏PC版移植工作的Nixxes Software团队,此次同样担纲了《地平线:西之绝境》PC版的制作工作。此版本除了包含主体游戏和拓展内容,还针对PC平台进行了诸多技术创新。

PC版不仅提升了画面表现,还支持“21:9超宽屏”、“32:9超级超宽屏”乃至“48:9”分辨率。此外,它还集成了Nvidia DLSS 3动态生成帧率技术、通过Nvidia DLAA提升画质以及利用Nvidia Reflex减少延迟等功能。

Last week, Guerrilla Games' action role-playing game “Horizon: Forbidden West” was released as a complete edition for the PC. As can be seen from SteamDB data, “Forbidden West” started weaker on Steam than its predecessor “Zero Dawn”.
Last week, Sony Interactive Entertainment released PlayStation Studios' next hit for PC. We're talking about Guerrilla Games' action role-playing game “Horizon: Forbidden West”.
Aloy's second big adventure was released in the form of a Complete Edition for the PC, which, in addition to the main game, contains the extensive “Burning Shores” expansion. But how did “Forbidden West” start on the PC or Steam? SteamDB provides us with current statistics in this regard.
As the analyzes of SteamDB As can be seen, the number of simultaneously active players since the Steam release of “Horizon: Forbidden West” was 44,462. “Forbidden West” started somewhat weaker than its predecessor “Zero Dawn,” which hit Steam in the summer of 2020.
In the first few days after its release in August, “Horizon: Zero Dawn” reached a peak of 56,557 simultaneous players on Steam. So the first “Horizon” adventure beat its successor on Steam, at least at launch. Time will tell whether this is also true in the long term.
But how did PlayStation Studios' other implementations start on Steam? A look at the corresponding charts reveals a very clear picture. With “Helldivers 2,” released in February for PC and PS5, PlayStation Studios delivered its strongest launch to date on Steam.
The user peak for the co-op shooter from Arrowhead is an impressive 458,709.
The other places are followed by “God of War” (73,529), “Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered” (66,436) and the two “Horizon” adventures.
The platformer “Sackboy: A Bid Adventure” had the weakest start of a PlayStation title on Steam. The user peak at launch was just 610 simultaneous players.
The porting experts at Nixxes Software, who have implemented various PlayStation Studios titles for the PC in recent years, are responsible for the PC version of “Horizon: Forbidden West”. In addition to the main game and the “Burning Shores” expansion, the PC version includes various technical improvements.
In addition to optimized graphics, support for “21:9 Ultrawide” and “32:9 Super Ultrawide” as well as “48:9” resolutions is offered. Frame generation from Nvidia DLSS 3, improved image quality using Nvidia DLAA and latency reduction via Nvidia Reflex are also included.
In addition to the PC, the PS4 and PS5 were supplied with “Horizon: Forbidden West” in the past. However, it must be noted that players on the PS4 came away empty-handed with the “Burning Shores” expansion.
For technical reasons, the developers at Guerrilla Games decided to forego a PS4 release for the add-on.

Further news about Horizon: Forbidden West.

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