

近日,在接受IGN采访时,翻译Michael-Christopher Koji Fox被问到本作是否有类似于爱丽丝(FF7)、Celes(FF6)、甚至General Beatrix(FF9)这样的女性角色。





许多人猜测《最终幻想16》的女主指的就是Jill Warrick,罗萨莉亚的养女,与Clive和约书亚一起在罗斯菲尔德长大。


Final Fantasy 16, the next main game in the acclaimed Square Enix franchise, is nearly complete. Development is in the final stretch, but a lot is still unknown about the game, such as the companions that will join protagonist Clive Rosfield on his adventures.
In a new interview with IGN, translator Michael-Christopher Koji Fox was asked if there would be a female character comparable to Aeris (Final Fantasy 7), Celes (Final Fantasy 6), or even General Beatrix (Final Fantasy 9). He replied:
“While Final Fantasy 16 has an outstanding female protagonist, I would venture to guess that this is where the similarities end. Celes and Aerith are unique in that much of the storytelling in their games revolves around their own stories. However, the story of Final Fantasy 16 from the earliest concept stage has always been about Clive. But like all Final Fantasy, Clive’s story is about encounters. It’s about companions. It’s about relationships and how Clive grows through those relationships. No noteworthy Final Fantasy character has ever saved the world alone. Luckily, Clive won’t have to try, as he’s not alone either.”
“However, these companions are not just static, one-dimensional plot devices designed to support Clive. They have their own past and their own motives, and are explored in detail as the player progresses through the story. One such character ends up being more prominent. Strong but imperfect. Bold but full of doubt, her relationship with Clive affects him in ways that reverberate throughout his arc.”
Many believe this refers to Jill Warrick, Rosaria’s ward, who grew up with Clive and Joshua in Rosfield. Rumor has it that she is the Dominant of Shiva, who owns ice.
Fans of the series can look forward to Easter eggs from previous games, though there won’t be many of them given the serious tone. However, creative director Kazutoyo Maehiro confirmed the presence of Muggles. Along with chocobos, they each have their own role, responsible for certain functions and parts of the game. There are also many other common elements, including monsters such as Bombs and Morbols.
“Having said that, the world of Final Fantasy 16 is pretty serious in tone, so we didn’t go out of our way to include anything overly comical or things that clearly don’t fit into the ecosystem. It’s not related to gameplay, but we’ve also included quite a few references to past Square Enix games in the titles, etc. It’s like easter eggs – if you know, it’ll make you smile. If you’re the kind of player who likes to find these things, I hope you try to discover various little items.”
Final Fantasy 16 will be released in summer 2023 on PS5.









2022-11-4 0:00:00



2022-11-7 0:00:00

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