NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080显卡泄露

据称,NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080创始人版显卡被包裹在塑料中,所以有点难看到细节,虽然整体护罩与现有的RTX30系列创始者版非常相似,但RTX4080本身更换了一个更大的散热器。

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080显卡泄露

显存规格,GeForce RTX 4080预计将配备16 GB GDDR6X容量,据说这些容量可以通过256位总线接口以23 Gbps的速度进行调整。这将提供高达 736 GB/s 的带宽。这仍然比RTX 3080提供的760 GB / s带宽慢一点,因为它带有320位接口,但容量仅为10 GB。为了补偿较低的带宽,NVIDIA可以集成下一代显存压缩套件来弥补256位接口。

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080显卡泄露

根据已知信息,RTX 4090预计将于2022年10月左右推出。

The first pictures of an alleged NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080 "Founders Edition" graphics card have been leaked by KittyYukko.
The alleged NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080 Founders Edition graphics card was wrapped in plastic so it is kind of hard to make up the details but if we compared the cooler to the GeForce RTX 3080 FE, then we can definitely see a big change. While the overall shroud is very much similar to the existing RTX 30 series Founders Edition, the RTX 4080 itself seems to have received a bigger cooler this time that is comparable to that of the RTX 3090.
The Founders Edition or FE cooler seems to feature a dual-slot design but it comes with a thicker package, with a wider cooler and shroud and much larger fans comprising 7-blades while the RTX 3080 and RTX 3090 coolers featured 9-blades on fans . The card also seems to come with a slightly different "RTX 4080" logo than the RTX 3080. It looks like NVIDIA is indeed planning to reuse its existing coolers and modify them a bit like the RTX 4090 Ti shroud we saw previously for the Ada Lovelace GPUs.
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080 'Expected' Specifications
The NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080 is expected to utilize a cut-down AD103-300 GPU configuration with 9,728 cores or 76 SMs enabled of the total 84 units whereas the previous configuration offered 80 SMs or 10,240 cores. While the full GPU comes packed with 64 MB of L2 cache and up to 224 ROPs, the RTX 4080 might end up with 48 MB of L2 cache and lower ROPs too due to its cut-down design. The card is expected to be based on the PG136/139-SKU360 PCB.
As for memory specs, the GeForce RTX 4080 is expected to rock 16 GB GDDR6X capacities that are said to be adjusted at 23 Gbps speeds across a 256-bit bus interface. This will provide up to 736 GB/s of bandwidth. This is still a tad bit slower than the 760 GB/s bandwidth offered by the RTX 3080 since it comes with a 320-bit interface but a lowly 10 GB capacity. To compensate for the lower bandwidth, NVIDIA could be integrating a next-gen memory compression suite to make up for the 256-bit interface.
For power, the TBP is now set to be rated at 340W, a 20W increase from the previous 320W spec that we got. This brings the TBP to the same ballpark as the existing RTX 3080 graphics card (up to 350W). Now it is not known whether the other RTX 40 series graphics cards will also be getting the faster GDDR6X memory treatment but we know that Micron has commenced full mass production of up to 24 Gbps GDDR6X memory modules so they have to go somewhere.
The NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080 and RTX 4070 graphics cards will be amongst the first graphics cards besides the RTX 4090 to launch to gamers however we can't tell whether the green team plans to launch them within this year soon after RTX 4090 or wait till early next year. The RTX 4090 is so far expected to launch around October 2022.








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