







Thanks to those that participated in the beta and various discussions to help make Enhanced mode a reality!

Please submit bugs in the bugs section and reserve this space for discussion of the patch itself.

I will be putting together a Data Dump that will have all raw data as well as comparisons and will link it here when it is done.

Release Notes

Game Modes

– Enhanced Mode added. Has changes to game mechanics and balance.

– Existing characters are now in Classic Mode.

– Players can select between Classic vs Enhanced on character creation.

– Enhanced characters have an (E) icon on the save list.

Bugs Fixed

– Melee weapon effects no longer transfer to offhand weapons or spells.

– Offhand weapons may now have their own specials. (Only used in enhanced mode)

– Warhorn duration now the intended 30 seconds.

– Using different versions of the same buff correctly resets values.

– Fixed armor per level bonus not applying to players. (introduced in patch 9)

– Mossy Charm/Fast Hitter now work with Scissor Attack.

– Silver Shield lightning resistance set to 0%. (Shields cannot go below 0%)

– Steel Arrows bonus damage from 3 to 5. (Other arrows already grant +3)

– Dark Swarm no longer erroneously scales from mainhand weapon damage.

– Lightning Storm no longer erroneously scales from mainhand weapon damage.

– Lightning Storm damage changed from 20 to 35.

– Murdiella Mal now drops 24k base gold.

– Crystal Sphere now updates regional NPC bonuses immediately.

– Guide's hat now correctly shows the player's hair.

– Gaoler now drops their ear.

– LakeWitch Spray attack volume reduced.

Hitboxes, AI, and Map changes

– Dragon tail attack hitbox adjusted slightly.

– Dragon is more consistent in vertical flight. (Doesn’t fly as high)

– Dragon is less likely to jump out of the arena when under 50% hp.

– Unskinned’s charge attack hitboxes shrunk slightly to match his model.

– Nameless God’s basic sword attacks shrunk slightly to match his model.

– Cyclops Stab and Drag attack hitboxes adjusted to be more consistent.

– Bloodless Prince’s body slam adjusted slightly.

– Guardian Blade now has its own hit-timer separate from all other hits.

– Adjusted vertigo resets to prevent players from getting stuck in Hager’s Cavern.

– Adjusted vertigo reset above Devara's sanctuary.

– Adjusted vertigo reset in the Thief’s area of the Red Hall.

– Adjusted floor under Nomad to prevent clipping upwards through the map.

QoL, UI, Other

– Jester's and Guide's hats reduced to +5 Item Find.

– Intro screens are now skippable with Controller A, Keyboard Space, or Mouse Left Click.

– In game menu updated to have Main Menu exit and Exit game options.

– Poise now shows proper values in the UI.

– UI fist damage is now more accurate, was previously too high.

– UI more accurate with ring effects, especially when comparing Armors.

– UI now shows Goldenwine, Protection, Ethereal/Divine Armor bonuses.

– UI now shows Goldenwine damage bonus.

– UI now shows Charm and Weapon Buff damage bonuses.

– Greatscissors can transmute into Greatswords.

– Added Hide Helmet option in Game Options.

– Added basic event logging / log files for better bug tracking.

Enhanced Mode Notes


– Coop players now get their sanctuary items when the main player is at a claimed sanctuary.


– Weapon damage softcaps now reduced for multistat weapons.(50, 30, 24, 20)

– Strength bonus when using a two-handed loadout reduced for multistat weapons.(50%, 25%, 16.7%, 10%)

– Health per level now softcaps at level 50 instead of 40.

– Armor per level now softcaps at level 50, granting 50% per level afterwards.

– Carry weight now softcaps at 50 endurance, granting 50% afterwards.

– Carry weight at level 1 increased slightly, from 42.5 to 44.0.

– Carry weight per endurance increased from 1.5 to 1.75.

– Poison defense’s effect on triggering poison is reduced by half (easier on high armor).

– Stamina max from 80 to 100. Stamina per point from 10 to 8.

– Focus max from 40 to 50. Focus per point from 5 to 4.

– Roll stamina from 40 to 35. Rolling Ring no longer reduces stamina cost by 5.

– Negative armor values now use the same formula as positive numbers.

– Monster defenses adjusted to match the new negative calculation.

– Class skills require fewer pearls following the pattern 1, 1, 2, 2, 3.

Elemental Weapons

– Weapons with elemental damage now split damage evenly no matter the stat investment.

– Default elemental split is 50%/50%. A couple weapons use a 75% elemental split.


– Buff and Charm damage is now calculated on total weapon damage.

– Buff values cut in half. (100% -> 50% and 60% -> 30%).

– Matching an elemental buff with an elemental weapon is now a 20% multiplier.

– Goldenwine now has a matching bonus for pure physical weapons.


– Many negative defenses adjusted slightly.

– Many extremely high boss resistances or repeated boss resistances adjusted.

– Multi-Boss boss fights have had their HP bonus in NG+ reduced (Architect, Three)

– Emberskulls attack adjusted, they now wind up before attacking.

– The Architect's holy orbs can no longer overlap.

– Carsejaw recovers faster after using his Sword Summon attack.

– Witch of the Lake salt drop increased from 12k to 22k.


– All focus restoration items now gain a small bonus per willpower. (+50% at softcap, 40 -> 60)

– Calling Horn’s gold cost from 100 to 500.

– Bell of Return’s gold cost from 500 to 250.

– Devara red potion protection buff duration from 10 to 15 seconds.

– Redgrass now grants 120% of max HP over its duration.

– Bluegrass now grants its focus as a buff over 5 seconds.

– Hearty Roll now uses Faster Healing. 1.0 second duration.

– Mana Crystal (Iron Ones) now grants 30 focus over 30 seconds.

– Mt Warhorn/Warhorn stamina regen from 135 to 100, regen during action-pause from 15 => 25, poise bonus of +50% added. Shows in UI.

– Warhorns now instantly grant the difference of previous and new max poise if Buff was not active when used. – Wine drunkenness is increased from 30 damage to 20% max hp damage, per drink.

– Wine drunkenness is triggered on 3 drinks instead of 4.

– Blue Wine now grants its focus as a buff over 5 seconds.

– Golden Wine no longer stacks with elemental buff damage. Elemental Buff’s damage takes priority, other wine bonuses are maintained.

– Golden Wine no longer grants poison resistance.

– Goldenwine now grants a 25% poise damage bonus.

– Cleansing Cloth now grants 5 fatigue healing (focus) and removes 50% of current wounds.

– Cleansing Cloth now gives only 1x per turn in.

– Defiled Flask no longer causes +25% damage on top of armor removal.

– Blood magic uses the same debuff, and is therefore a little safer to use.

Charms & Rings

– HP leech on charms and weapons is now 1%, 2%, or 3% of max hp based on weapon.

– MP leech on charms and weapons is 0.5 or 1.0 focus based on weapon.

– Silversalt charm uses its full cost for great weapons and is reduced for other weapons.

– Stone Charm now grants a simple +10 poise damage.

– Mending band from 0.25hp / sec to 1% max hp / sec.


– Elemental Ammo now converts 50% of the weapon's damage to its type.

– Ammo no longer gives tiny bonus damage, weapon damage adjusted.

– Ammo costs restandardized and reduced.


– Bow damage increased significantly.

– Bows now deal 100% slash.

– Steel arrows now give +10% total damage.


– Crossbow damage increased significantly.

– Crossbows now deal 75% slash.


– UI now shows full damage. (Had a hidden +50% bonus)

– Pistol damage decreased by 20%, including gunblade blast.


– Whip’s Light Attack now has a Whipcrack effect at their tip dealing +50% damage.

– Whip heavy attack now deals +50% damage, but costs extra stamina.

– Damage buffed approx 10% across the board.


– Damage rescaled.

– Twinmetal Ring now acts like a weapon, changing base damage and scaling.

– Kickflip move added. Deals +25% damage, +30% poise. Overrides uppercut if pressing Down.

– Riposte move added.

– Strong attack now deals +100% damage.

– Uppercut now deals +50% damage.

Throwing Daggers

– Damage rescaled/increased.


– Dagger ripostes now deal 4x damage instead of the default 2x damage.

– The second hit in the Light->Light attack combo now deals 1.4x multiplier.


– Wand damage increased.

– Staff damage reduced slightly.

Weapons Other

– The Poise weapon flag now grants +10 stagger damage.

– Ripostes now deal double damage of all damage types, instead of only physical.

– Lump hammer now purchasable from any blacksmith.

– Greathammer damage reduced by 15%.

– Greataxe damage reduced by 15%.

– Greatsword damage reduced by 10%.

– Axe one handed poise damage increased from 14 to 22.

– Axe one handed combo (last hit) now deals 100% slash.

– Weapon weights restandardized.

– Greataxe weights reduced.

– Various weapon specials changed.


– Heavy Armor approx 6.5% less weight.

– Palatine Coif moved to tier 1 heavy, added poise, adjusted values.

– Various armor values changed, and specials added.


– Shield types redone, are now Round, Normal, and Tower.

– Various shields shifted around in type and tier.

– Shields no longer gain poise on level up. Poise adjusted on all shields.

– Armor poise is now additive instead of multiplicative to shield poise when blocking.

– Armor defense is now added to blocks, similar to poise.

– Various specials added to shields.

Shield Slam (Tower shields)

– Hitbox now extends into the shockwave similar to enemies.

– Base speed increased by 50%.

– Damage now scales from Strength and Shield upgrades.

– Poise damage increased significantly.

– Physical combat rings, charms, and buffs more consistently work with shield slam.


– Tier 5 magic added.

– Various cost and damage rebalances.

– Various class tier adjustments.


– Various upgrade items added into the map for better progression.

– Various unobtainable items added to the map.

Creed Shop Adjustments

– All merchants now sell potatoes.

– Various inventory, by creed rank, adjustments.

Monster Drops

– All stone statues are now droppable from monsters.

– Gray pearls are now droppable from certain monsters.

– Various other item drops and rates adjusted.

– Gold drops increased slightly in NG+ and above.


















-Murdiella Mal现在掉落24k基本黄金。



































-多点武器的武器伤害软上限现在降低了。(50, 30, 24, 20)

-使用双手装填时,多发武器的力量加成减少。(50%, 25%, 16.7%, 10%)






































































































-Palatine Coif移至第1层,增加了平衡,调整了数值。





































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